What We Are Saying Now

Read our latest thinking for your organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion journey toward a culture of Belonging.

Article Sequencing

Lessons learned from our holistic approach to DEI are grouped into four categories. Because careful sequencing is essential to our approach, articles in each category are intended to be read in order (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.).

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1.2 DEI Systemic Change Begins by Meeting an Organization Where It Is

4.1 What It Takes To Become An Effective DEI Leader

Passion for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion alone is not enough to excel in the DEI Discipline. We have identified six essential qualities and skills needed to become an effective DEI Leader. 

“Commitment to DEI is demonstrated not by verbal commitment alone but by demonstrated behaviors: walking the talk.”

—Making DEI Stick